Take the First Step Toward Your Mechanic Career Now!

Eastern Maine Community College

Eastern Maine Community College - Bangor, ME


Eastern Maine Community College provides the highest quality post-secondary technical, career, and transfer education, while serving as a community and economic development resource. They offer over 30 one- and two-year program options, as well as short term and specialized training and retraining courses for business, industry, and community. They award associate degrees in applied science, science, and arts; certificates; diplomas; and documents of completion for customized, short-term programs and courses. At EMCC, they prepare technicians and skilled workers for careers in mechanical, engineering, and construction industries; allied health professions; and business occupations. They develop programs of study in cooperation with experts currently working in representative areas of technology and business. Classes available on campus as well as online. Financial aid available to those who qualify.

Automobile / Automotive Mechanics Technology / Technician


354 Hogan Rd




Career School Now - Eastern Maine Community College Bangor, ME