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Aircraft Mechanic Training in or near Connecticut

Connecticut Aircraft Maintenance Schools

Find a Connecticut trade school with excellent aircraft mechanic training programs. Take college classes and learn to run diagnostics on aircraft, test and inspect airplane parts, and repair any issues that may exist. Use the application to connect with a college in Connecticut and start training for a future in aircraft maintenance.

Read: What Does An Aircraft Mechanic Do?

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Aircraft Maintenance Schools in or near Connecticut

Connecticut State Colleges and Universities - Bridgeport
900 Lafayette Blvd, Bridgeport, CT 06604
Connecticut State Colleges and Universities - Norwich
574 New London Turnpike, Norwich, CT 06360
Connecticut State Colleges and Universities - Danielson
742 Upper Maple St, Danielson, CT 06239
Connecticut State Colleges and Universities - New Haven
20 Church Street, New Haven, CT 06510
Connecticut Technical High School System - Manchester
791 W. Middle Turnpike, Manchester, CT 06040
Connecticut Technical High School System - Stratford
200 Great Meadows Rd, Stratford, CT 06615


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